Marina Port de Mallorca, best marina in Spain




Marina Port de Mallorca has been named best marina in Spain for the second consecutive year according to the study conducted every year by ABC about nautical facilities.

The study is developed by professionals of the sector and users analyzing the marinas of the Spanish geography under quality services and satisfaction criteria. To create this ranking, the ABC team includes technical and physical characteristics of each port, as well as the services offered at each facility. And as usual, the results of the study are published annually in its travel supplement.

This choice is due to many factors, including its ability to welcome more than 200 boats between 12 and 50 meters in length or the fact of being in the heart of Palma, a few minutes from the historic old town and a wide range of leisure, shopping and entertainment around.

But really, the fact that this marina was chosen for the second year the best marina of Spain has been possible thanks to the dedication of Marina Port de Mallorca’s team.

The care for its facilities, cleaning and environmental measures are a notable part of the reason for which, mooring in this port is highly recommended, but there is another more important reason, the human and professional quality of the staff led by captain Oscar Fernandez.

Coordination and dedication of the team makes many customers feel at home as they offer a friendly and pleasant treatment, ensuring that guests enjoy a pleasant stay in the marina. Not to mention the usual events that are organized to create good atmosphere and community among clients and friends.

In addition, as a special service which differentiates this marina from the rest, customers have at their disposal a Concierge Service, in which with one call, the Concierge manages all the services the client needs even before reaching the port. The marina also offers surveillance and seamanship 24 hours.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Marina Port de Mallorca has been named one of the best options to moor in the Balearic and in the Mediterranean.
Marina Port de Mallorca also boasts environmental awards including the Blue Flag, EMAS, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 Qualitat Balear Seal, Seal of Excellent Company and Lloyds Marine Gold certification. All these awards are due to its constant activity of care and protection of nature, water and marine species, and the quality of service and facilities of the marina.

Marina Port de Mallorca is certainly an excellent choice, because despite receiving many boats each year, is a marine friend who creates community among its users through activities organized throughout the year. Also, for belonging to the IPM Group, customers who visit Marina Port de Mallorca benefit in their stay at Marina Palma Cuarentena and STP Shipyard Palma in case you need to do any repairs on your boat. But also can get great benefits in the refueling of gasoline if they go to the gas station located on the premises of STP.