3 Ideal Winter Vacations to Help Beat the Chill


gstaad-lesgouilles-romantikThere was once a time when people only dreamed of going on vacation during the summer time. It was seen as the ideal time to get away from the pressures of life, and enjoy time with your family. Now, it seems reductive to escape the country when we actually get a little bit of sunshine, doesn’t it? That’s why more and more people are choosing to get away during the colder winter months.

This can be more tricky if you have children. The school holidays in the summer present the ideal opportunity for you and your family to get away. Term time is a lot harder to get around during the winter, especially if you don’t want your kids to miss school.

Generally, though, the Christmas holidays are an ideal time to experience something new. There is definitely something to be said for tradition. But there isn’t anything quite like experiencing an alternative Christmas. Whether you’re the type of person that embraces the cold weather or looking for somewhere to beat the chill, we’ve got you covered.


North of the American border lies the Great White North. It often gets a bad rap for its weather, but it’s winter anyway, so who cares? What Canada does offer you are beautiful landscapes, friendly people, and something different. There are a whole bunch of different cultures to be found, thanks to years of French and Indian immigration, especially. Canada is also happens to be the ideal location for a skiing holiday, so if you’re into extreme sports, it’s definitely worth your time.


People often ask what time of year can you see the Northern Lights. But, the truth is, you can’t really predict it with any degree of accuracy. A lot of it depends on the alignment of the solar system. You can rule out summer, for certain, though. The Aurora Borealis often makes a handful of appearances every year, but nobody quite knows when. So, it can be difficult to plan your vacation accordingly. Winter is your best bet, though, and there’s no better setting than Norway.


Now, here is an addition for those among you that have had enough of the cold weather. And hey, we can’t blame you! Some people just aren’t built for the winter chill. That’s why they do everything they can to escape it, which can include a well-timed holiday. And where better than sunny old Spain? It is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Europe, and for good reason. Its architecture, cuisine, and weather make it perfect for just about anybody. Whether you want to top up your tan or take a walk through the ancient streets, Spain has it all.

There you have it. You don’t need to sit around in your thermals feeling sorry for yourself this winter. Instead, book some tickets, jump on a plane, and head out to somewhere a little more cheery. Even if it isn’t the weather you’re escaping, new cultures are always great fun.